Agriculture and Microfinance

Agribusiness and microfinance are closely knitted. Both are rural initiated and can be grown to the next level of project management. That is why our focus is on

Capacity Building for both segments of Agribusiness and Microfinance

Business case Information included in a formal business case could be the background of the project, the expected business benefits, the options considered (with reasons for rejecting or carrying forward each option), the expected costs of the project, a gap analysis, and the expected risks.

Financial Linkages with out CEO’GCONNECT FORUM, we work with CEOs on business continuity, linkage to finance/investments and markets.

Agricultural Value chain development and Financing – Our agricultural value chain is defined as the people and activities that bring a basic agricultural product like rice, maize or vegetables or cotton from obtaining inputs and production in the field to the consumer, through stages such as processing, packaging, and distribution. We have working models that can work for you in any of your chosen value chain.